Our blockchains & Protocol

Powering our protocol
to empower our users

We run two parallel blockchains, Litmus and Litentry.
Litmus is our canary parachain on the Kusama network.
Litentry is our production parachain on the Polkadot network.

Logo for Litmus, Litentry's canary chain on the Kusama network.

Litmus is our canary chain on the Kusama network.

About Litmus

The Litmus Network is a companion network to the Litentry MainNet. It is a lighter network with simple token economy, and enables a faster and easier MVP launch. In the future, the two networks will co-exist and cooperate with projects in the corresponding ecosystem.

Litmus Functionalities:
Governance, Balance Transfer.

Litentry's logo.

Litentry is our production chain on the Polkadot network.

About Litentry

The mainnet of Litentry, connecting to the polkadot ecosystem. It employs an independent economic model where collators stake to maintain the parachain. Tested code on Rococo & Litmus will be shipped to Litentry. 

Litentry Functionalities:
Collator Staking, ID Linking, Trusted Environment Execution.

Protocol Functionality

The Litentry team is currently working on several modules and pallets that are being tested and launched on our parachains. Our infrastructure is written in Rust and runs on the Substrate framework, which is designed to support a multi-chain future.

This is a diagram depicting the Litentry IdentityHub in the middle of circle surrounded by an orbit of different Web2 and Web3 platforms, signifying the ability to link them all together.
It all starts with

Sensitive Identity Linking

The Identity Hub serves as the front-end interface for the Litentry protocol. It enables users to prove ownership of their various Web2 and Web3 accounts by linking their identity in an 'Identity Graph.' The sensitive relationships between these root accounts are privately stored in incorruptible hardware called a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), and are only visible to the root user. This ensures the privacy and security of the user's information.

Use the identity hub for

Benefits & Scores

By participating in benefits on the IdentityHub, users can create and build up their participation, trust, and reputation scores. These scores, along with identity data and truth statements, are computed in privacy within the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Once the TEE has verified the statements, it uses its private key to sign the verifiable credential and issues it on our parachains without exposing the root accounts.

This is a diagram showing different possibilities of rewards that the IdentityHub could unlock, like NFTs, Airdrops and so on.
A Verifiable Credential badge with the Twitter logo is shown superimposed on a sample .JSON file.
We issue identity data through

Verifiable credentials

The TEE can be thought of as a hardcoded blackbox. Its operations are open source, but once data is entered, it cannot be tampered with or viewed by anyone other than the original controller. The TEE issues truthful statements in the form of verifiable credentials based on incorruptible hardware and code.

share what, when & to who you want

Compose your own constellation

Store your sensitive identities in an identity graph and turn your data stardust into constellations that represent your reputation. Start engaging with projects and communities and leverage your identity for new benefits and use cases. 

Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the Litentry Protocol and its products.
What are the use cases for your protocol & front-end products?
Any type of identity data generation, computation and transfer where security and privacy is important. Litentry allows you to gather all of your digital identity data scattered across web2 & web3 platforms, to generate and manage a verifiable identity with the help of privacy preserving computation.
Our use-cases include but are not limited to:
1. Private & secure identity data injections into NFT’s, dApps & other apps.
2. Credit scores & eligibility for under-collateralized lending and other reputation based benefits
3. Audience selection for quality airdrops based on crypto experience and project contribution
4. Transportation of reputation & status metrics across Web2 & Web3 platforms

To explore other use cases and innovative experiments, please get in touch with us.
Does Litentry make use of Zero Knowledge Proofs?
No, we don't. 
We use a different technology, called a Trusted Execution Enclave (TEE), to protect your data.
You can imagine the TEE as a blackbox in which the code is open sourced, yet we can not see what input is given by the identity owner. It ensures that the data is stored, processed and protected in a secure environment. For this purpose, we use the Intel SGX chipset. This chip/storage is where all verified accounts & addresses are stored in the form of an identity graph.
Can Litentry see the sensitive relationships between
the accounts in my profile?
No, these are stored in the Trusted Execution Environment.
The environment is only accessible when the private key of the identity owner is included in the request to open it. Currently, all the SGX nodes are under the control of Litentry, which minimizes the risk of attacks by malicious nodes. While the SGX network nodes are not yet decentralized, Litentry is actively working towards decentralization and the eventual decentralization of the nodes is inevitable.
Is it possible to use the protocol without using the Identity Hub?
Currently, the only way to access the Litentry protocol and its features is through the Identity Hub. We have designed the Identity Hub to provide a seamless experience for both identity owners and dApps or services that want to offer identity-based experiences. In the future, we plan to release several SDKs to enable more direct interaction with the protocol.
How are you managing identity data and 3rd partners?
Our protocol infrastructure follows a self-sovereign identity framework, which gives users complete control over their data at every stage of the process. The IdentityHub is unable to access or analyze user data unless they give us permission through a cryptographic signature. This means that all data management and sharing is initiated and authorized by the user.

While we encourage our third-party partners to offer clear benefits and incentives in exchange for data insights from their users, Litentry is an identity middle layer that allows users to reclaim control over their data sovereignty and use, leverage, or benefit from it as they see fit. If users wish to do so, Litentry will provide opportunities for them to benefit from their data under their own authorization.

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About Litentry Litentry GitbookTEE Technology